Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Top 100 Albums - The Zombies - Odessey and Oracle

Time for me to make a start on this bucket list thing, otherwise it'll never get done before...well, you know.

Top 100 albums first, I think, so let's have a look at the first one (or the 100th one, depending on how you look at it.  This could get a bit "tensile").  First up will be "The Zombies" with "Odessey and Oracle". 

The spelling mistake is not mine.  See?

This was released the year before I was born to mostly mainstream indifference.  It wasn't until later that the critics decided that actually it was quite good, and supposedly a legend was born.

I'm not sure what I'm missing, but then I've always thought that critics were not entirely human.  Far too many of them are closet hipsters.  Some aren't even in the closet.  They're so far out of the hipster closet it's a wonder they don't go back in 'cause it's too mainstream, man.

Anyway, back to the music.  It starts off not too bad.  I quite like the first track, "Care of Cell 44".  It has a bit of a Beach Boys vibe in places, which I don't mind.  Then it all goes a bit too "late 60s" for my tastes.  I left my bell bottoms behind long ago, and for good reason.

It does pick up a bit towards the end, but still doesn't grab me.  I'm left pondering, probably not for the only time on this endeavor either, why this made it into the top 100 albums of all time.  Overall I struggled to give it a 6 out of 10.

If you'd like to listen to some samples, or even buy it if it's your 'bag', then all the links to the tracks, artist and album on iTunes are below.

01 - Care of Cell 44
02 - A Rose for Emily
03 - Maybe After He's Gone
04 - Beechwood Par
05 - Brief Candles
06 - Hung Up on a Dream
07 - Change
08 - I Want Her, She Wants Me
09 - This Will Be Our Year
10 - Butcher's Tale (Western Front 1914)
11 - Friends of Mine
12 - Time of the Season

Pic Of The Day

Song Of The Day

Click on the links below to purchase this from the iTunes Music store
SongIf I Ever Feel Better

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